The state of Design in Africa and what one company is doing about it

For a while now, most African companies have survived with little or no investment in design thinking, design sprints, good user interface designs and good user experience designs. This neglect in a way has also stunted the growth of many companies (we will focus on tech) in the country, making Continue Reading

Figma Africa: Let’s build a world class design community together!

Figma is excited to announce the launch of their Global Design Community, starting in Nigeria, Ghana and South Africa, with plans to extend to other countries soon! Figma’s mission is to make design accessible to everyone, anywhere in the world and it starts with the product. Figma is the only Continue Reading

J Cole wants to allocate tax money with an app

To the reader: This isn’t an opinion piece. This is an open-ended article to solicit your opinions on the matter. I’ll share mine, then you share yours. In the second verse of J Cole’s “BRACKETS” off his latest album “KOD“, he says: “Damn, do I even have a say ’bout Continue Reading

Three reasons mobile money isn’t as cool as it seems

Before I begin, let me put out a disclaimer: This article is in no way attacking any telecom company, neither is it a fight against a progressive transformation to a cashlite or cashless economy. It is equally not a kick against other innovative forms of money and its transfer. It Continue Reading

Cloud War: Dropbox vs Google Drive vs OneDrive

Cloud storage is very ubiquitous now. It has become the new “pen drive” (flash drive). Your phone, tablet or laptop most likely came along with its default cloud service for you. In this article, we will compare Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive and Google Drive under four simple criteria: File Sharing Syncing Continue Reading

What is causing your smartphone to overheat?

Several smartphone users are plagued with suddenly overheating devices, so hot that it could actually burn your skin, followed by a fast depleting battery. Whenever this happens it indicates that there is a problem with your device being a hardware and/or software issue. An overheated smartphone becomes erratic and typically Continue Reading

Many Ghanaian tech startups are inspired by all but one thing: data

Hello there. Take a pause. Set a timer for 60 seconds and simply do nothing — just gaze into the vast expanse of the universe. This simple experiment may seem like child’s play but in that time span, an immense volume of data has already been generated. Within that minute, Continue Reading

Is my device waterproof or water resistant?

I owned a Motorola Defy phone in 2011 and used to brag about how water-resistant my phone was because I could take a stroll in rain without worrying about water damage. With more and more electronic devices from smart bracelets to smart TVs claiming to be water and dust proof Continue Reading

Everything about Facebook v Cambridge Analytica in 2 minutes

Over the last few days, unless you are hiding under a rock, you must have heard or seen the #deleteFacebook movement and articles on something called the Cambridge Analytica scandal. You are probably wondering how this affects you, the average Kofi, who just wants to post a few jokes and Continue Reading

Noise cancelling headphones are more than just good sound

Have you ever had to adjust the volume of the music you’re listening to all the way up when you step out of your room, because all of a sudden, you couldn’t hear your music above the noise outside? I too go through this every morning as I walk around Continue Reading

Editor’s Comments: Weekend Poll 3

In our last poll, we decided to “go for your money”, not in its literal sense but the money on your virtual money wallets popularly nicknamed “Mobile Money”. So check out the questions that trended below and the interesting responses that came up. Enjoy Q1 Do you have a mobile Continue Reading

Why Spotify isn’t available in Ghana

Spotify is the most popular music streaming service if we’re not counting YouTube, but it’s not exactly regionally ubiqitous like Apple Music is. Chances are you’ve seen a Spotify link on your Twitter timeline and wondered why the service is not (easily) accessible in Ghana. I’m currently listening to the Continue Reading